Budget Information
The District operates on a fiscal year beginning on July 1st and closing on June 30th. The budget includes two main categories:
1) "Operating" - funds which will be expended within the upcoming fiscal year that are necessary to run the department on a daily basis. Items include such things as insurance, utilities, salaries, etc.
2) "Capital" - funds that will be deposited into a savings account to fund items that are not purchased each year. Capital purhases include "big ticket" items such as a new fire engine.
Typically, District staff begins the process of drafting a preliminary budget in March for the Finance and Personnel committees to review and adjust. The preliminary budget is submitted for its "first" board discussion, further adjustment and approval at the May Board of Directors meeting. The revised version is then made available for public review prior to its "second" board review and final adoption at the June Board of Directors meeting. Any person may appear and be heard regarding the increase, decrease or omission of any item of the budget or the inclusion of additional items.
Audited Financial Statements
The District is required to have annual, independent audits conducted by a certified public accountant. This information is filed with the State Controller's Office and is available to the public upon request