The Board of Directors for the Bolinas Fire Protection District are elected by popular vote of registered voters of the District. Directors are required to be at least 18 years of age and legal residents of, and registered to vote in the Bolinas Fire Protection District. Directors serve a four year term and are uncompensated financially or beneficially. As required by California State Law AB 1234, Chapter 700, Stats. of 2005, Board members complete ethics training every two years.
Eligible residents interested in serving on the Board may contact or visit either the Fire District office or the Marin County Elections Department.
The Board of Directors meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noticed, and begin their open session at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Community Meeting Room of the Bolinas fire station at 100 Mesa Rd. The site is open to the public and is ADA accessible.
Meetings are conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act which requires that all deliberations and actions by public legislative bodies including council, boards and commissions be made in public.
Items which are not on the agenda may not be discussed or acted on by the Board. Persons wishing to place an item on the agenda should contact the Fire District at (415) 868-1566 or go to the station at least 72 hours prior to a meeting.
The California Public Records Act is a law passed by the California State Legislature and signed by the governor requiring inspection or disclosure of governmental records to the public upon request, unless exempted by law.
The following Summary of the California Public Records Act by the California Attorney General’s Office is helpful in understanding the law. If you would like to inspect or have copies made of available records, you may come to the Fire Station or download the Request for Public Records form. You may forward the completed form to the Bolinas Fire Protection District, P. O. Box 126, Bolinas, CA 94924.